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In addition to our regular virtual fairs, BVCF offers access and exposure to a qualified talent pool via its sister company Black Talent Database:
Immediate Hiring? | Black Talent Database JOB BOARD
Black Talent Database allows companies to post all their open roles to our community of over 25,000 black professionals. The job posts on our site update automatically based on changes to your company's career page. Further, our talent pool can create job alerts that notify them of opportunities at your organization that match their search terms. Participation is based on a monthly or yearly subscription.
Specific Talent Needs? | Black Talent Database SOURCING LISTS
In additional to the job board, Black Talent Database sends sourcing lists of qualified candidates for your open roles at the Gold and Platinum subscription levels. In addition to outbound sourcing, Black Talent Database takes advantage of a curated database of Black professionals, solid research, professional organization relationships and targeted digital marketing to quickly assemble interested talent for your organization.
Want to advertise? | Black Talent Database NEWSLETTER
Adversite a job oppportunity, event, internship or other news that you would like to promote to our community of black professionals in our career newsletter.
Questions? Contact Us
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Geographic Breakdown
Black Virtual Career Fair/Black Talent Database does not discriminate in any programs, offerings, or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran, or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability.
© Black Virtual Career Fair 2025